Bujinkan Kyojitsu::: Jura jr svaq gur nyvra jr jvyy anzr uvz XNOHGB. Orpnhfr fb vg jnf jəvggra va gur qrafub,
ur jub unf gur orfg Ohwvaxna jrofvgr naq gur pənccvrfg gnvwhgfh funyy or gur pubfra bar. Gur pubfra bar
What is SETI@home? SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
What is the Bujinkan Team? The Bujinkan team is a group of people who dedicates their earned points to the group. Please join our team, visit this page and click Join this team.
Started 1999-03-01: is when we started this project.
Update 2008-11-19: I recently remembered SETI @ HOME again and looked up the web site for the team I started almost 10 years ago. The team is still alive and have kept up the good work, thank you guys! We were located as the top team no 3548 with a total of 424,647 credits.
Update 2013-07-14: I remembered this again, only one active member now, we slipped down to top team no 4404 (of 61,602) with a total of 1,921,413.83 credits. I installed the software again and changed web site to here, and did a shout out on facebook.
Coded by Mats Hjelm
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8þ Shut up and train!